So... as many of my friends know, I've been planning a locost project for some time. About a year ago I bought a wrecked '92 BMW 318is as a donor car for the project. It took about 2 weeks of work over the past year to tear it down. I really hope this isn't going to be the normal speed going forward.
Here's the plan: Use most of the mechanical from the 318 including the engine/transmission, rear end, front end(minus the macpherson struts), electrical, steering, computers, fuel delivery(minus the tank), and most importantly, work the twin kidney grills into the nose cone. The chassis is based on the book chassis except about eight to ten inches longer (haven't finished the rear design), six inches wider and three inches taller. I'm 6'2" and wanted a car I could fit into hence the larger frame. I'm not building this to be a track machine so a little larger and heavier isn't really a concern. I'm going to attempt to shape all the body pieces myself including the nose cone and fenders. That's about all I've got figured out for sure at this point.
Here's the current state: The garage is cleaned up and organized (...mostly), I've got 80% of a frame designed in CAD, the build table is finished, the frame tubing has been purchased, and the bottom pieces to the frame have all been cut and are waiting to be tacked together.
I've also posted a few pics of the process so far including (last pic) the current state of the garage.